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Ghostbusters stuff from all around the world!

Last update 20 July
Added some more Spanish Clips thank to El Zorro.

Ghostbusters is a global phenomenon, movies and cartoons has been released all over the globe. But how it looks like? how it sounds like? We all "hate" Janine voice in GB2, in English , but what about the French version? or the Japanese? How the translated our preferred lines from Peter, Ray , Egon , Winston? Find it out...

Spain Flag (10K)SpanishGermanGernan Flag (11K)
France Flag (8K)French


A Note On Translation

Translation is a hard job, particularly when dubbing a movie. "Dubbing" consist on talking over a movie soundtrack to give voice to an actor.When translating , therefore, not only you have to capture the meaning of a line and render it in a foreign language but also find the right words to let the line be as synchronized as possible with the lips movements of the actor on screen. It happens , frequently, that a line is somewhat changed although the concept they express remain unaltered. this for a variety of reasons such , for example, no word-by-word translation is possible or because a particular sentence use word expression specific to a language. Take the expression "Cool" which is used often in English to mark that we like something "Is a cool guy..", In Italian using it's literal translation "fresco", for example is impossible since this would sound like "it's a _fresh_ guy" which has a total different meaning!.

Another factor to keep in mind is the acting. When dubbing in other languages , other actors talk in place of the original ( in 99m of the cases), and this could have a totally different result depending on dubber performance. An excellent performance can be ruined if the dubbing actor is a beginner ...Or vice versa

A final factor is the actual voice stamp of the dubber. When an actor is selected for a dubbing session it's always tried to get someone who has the most similar voice to the original performer. ( Just imagine Hulk Hogan dubbed by Roberto Benigni!)."Similar" does not mean "same" so sometime even if a live is delivered perfectly by a dubber it can sound differently due the difference in voice..

When you deal with translation always keep in mind those four factors:

  1. The quality of translation
  2. The timing problems
  3. The dubber performance
  4. The dubber voice