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Last Update : 3 August
Added French Audio clips!

Spanish Name:Los Cazafantasmas. ( also: Cazafantasmas)
Movie has been released: 

Movie Translation & Audio


RealAudio Logo (1K)Click for Audio Clip (RealAudio)

Original Quote (English)
Movie Translation
Movie to English Translation
Movie to English is given to test
the reliability of translation


NERD:   What are you trying to prove here anyway!?
PETER: I'm studying the effect of negative reinforcements on ESP ability.
NERD:   The effect!? I tell you what effect is pissing be off!

NERD:   ¿¡Qué intenta demostrar con esto!?
PETER: Estudio la percepci�n extrasensorial y los efectos del refuerzo negativo
NERD:   ��Los efectos!? Yo le dir� cu�les son... �que estoy hasta las narices

NERD:   What are you trying to demonstrate with this?
PETER: I'm studying the extrasensorial perception and the effect of negative reinforcement.
NERD:   The effects?I'm gonna tell what the effect are...I'm at the ...


RAY: Good Evening , as a duly designated rappresantant of the city..county and state of New York I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return your place of origin or the nearest convenient parallel dimension.
PETER: That's ought do it! Thank you very much Ray!

RAY: Buenas noches, habiendo sido designado como representante de la ciudad... y el estado de Nueva York le ordeno que cese toda clase de actividades sobrenaturales y que vuelva inmediatamente a su lugar de origen o la m�s conveniente y cercana dimensi�n paralela.
PETER: Ya es suficiente, �muchas gracias Ray

RAY: Good night, having been designated rappresentant of the city ..and the State of New York , I order you to cease all supernatural activity and return to your place of origin or the nearest convenient parallel dimension.
PETER: This is sufficient ,Thank you very much Ray.


LOUIS: Oh, Dana, it's you.
DANA: Hello, Louis
:You gotta come in here, you are missing a classic party
DANA:Yes, well, I would louisbuty I have a date coming over.
LOUIS:You made a date?..tonite?
DANA:Well,I..I'm sorry Louis ..I forgot
LOUIS: Oh, that's ok you can bring him along
DANA: All right maybe we'll stop by ok?
LOUIS:That's great!, I'll a tell everybody you're coming, We're gonnal play Twister or we gonna do some break dancing. Let me in! It's Luois, somebody let me in!

LOUIS: Oh, Dana, eres tú.
DANA: Hola, Louis.
LOUIS: Tienes que pasar, o te perderás una fiesta chulísima.
DANA: Me encantaría Louis, pero tengo un invitado esta noche.
LOUIS: ¿Tienes un invitado... esta noche?
DANA: Bueno, lo... lo siento mucho, Louis, lo olvidé.
LOUIS: Oh, no importa, lo puedes traer.
DANA: Está bien. Tal vez pasemos, ¿vale?
LOUIS: Fantástico, les diré a todos que vas a venir. Jugaremos al Twister y bailaremos el Black Break Dance. ¡Eh, chicos! ¡Eh, abridme! Soy Louis, ¡¡que alguien me abray

LOUIS: Oh, Dana, it's you.
DANA:Hi, Louis
LOUIS:You have to come or you gonna miss a very cool party
DANA: I would be pleased, but I have a guest tonite
LOUIS: You have a guest..tonite?
DANA: Well, I'm really sorry..I forgot about it
LOUIS: Oh, that's fine you can bring him
DANA: Ok, we gonna come eventually, ok?
LOUIS: Great!, I'm gonna tell everybody you're coming, We'll play Twister and dance the Black Break Dance. Hey guys! Hey Open the door! I'm Louis, May someone open the door!


RAY: Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night?
EGON: Do you expirience feelings of dread your basement or attic?
PETER: Have you or a member of your family ever seen a spook,specter or ghost?
RAY: If the answer is yes then , don't wait another minute pick up your phone and call the proffessionals:
RAY, PETER & EGON: Ghostbusters!
RAY: Our courteous and efficient staff is on call 24h a day to serve all your supernatural elimination need.
RAY, PETER & EGON: We're ready to believe you!

RAY: ¿Le preocupan ruidos extraños a media noche?
EGON: ¿Siente usted terror en su sótano o buhardilla?
PETER: ¿Alguien de su familia a visto un espíritu, espectro o fantasma?
RAY: Si la respuesta es sí, no espere ni un mínuto más. Llame a profesionales:
RAY: Nuestro personal amable y eficiente les atenderá en sus necesidades exterminativas sobrenaturales.
RAY, PETER & EGON: ¡Nosotros sí le vamos a creer!

RAY: Are you worried by strange noises at mid night?
EGON: Do you feel terrorized by your basement or attic?
PETER: Have a member of your family ever seen a spirit,spook or ghost?
RAY: If the answer is yes , don't wait another minute and call the proffessionals:
RAY, PETER & EGON: Ghostbusters!
RAY: Our lovely and efficient personnel will help you in all your supernatural elimination need.
RAY, PETER & EGON: We're going to believe you!


RAY:You know, it just occured to me we havern't had a completely successful test of this equipment
: I blame myself.
PETER: So do I.
RAY: No sense worring about it now.
PETER: Why worry? Each of us is wwearing an unlicensed nuclear accellerator on his back

RAY: Estoy pensando que no hemos conseguido un éxito total en las pruebas de estos aparatos.
EGON: Creo que la culpa es mía.
PETER: Y mía.
RAY: Bueno, no nos preocupemos de eso ahora.
PETER: ¿Por qué preocuparnos? ¿Sólo porque llevamos un pequeño generador nuclear ilegal sobre la espalda?

RAY:I'm thinking that we haven't completed all the test on our equipment
EGON: I Believe it's by fault.
PETER: And mine.
RAY: Well, don't worry about it now.
PETER: Why worry? Only because we are wwearing an illegal nuclear accellerator on our shoulders?

EGON: You said before you were waiting for a sign , what sign are you waiting for?
LOUIS: Gozer the Traveler ! It will come in one of the prechosen forms.During the rectification of the Vuldranai the traveller came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during third reconilation of the last of the Meketrix Supplicants they chosen a new form from him: that of a giant Sloar! Many shoks and Zuuls knew what was being rosted in a in the depth of the Sloar that day, I can tell you!

EGON:Antes has dicho que estabas esperando una se�al, �qu� se�al est�s esperando?
LOUIS: �Gozer el viajante!, vendr� en una de las formas pre-escogidas. Durante la rectificaci�n de la Vuldranali el viajante toma la forma de un gran Torg. Luego, en la tercera reconciliaci�n del �ltimo suplicante de los Meketrex escogieron otra forma para �l: �la de un enorme Sloard! Muchos shoks y Zuuls descubrieron lo que era asarse en el fondo del Sloard aquel d�a, �y lo aseguro!

EGON:You said before you were waiting for a sign , what sign are you waiting for?
LOUIS: Gozer the traveller! It will come in one of the prechosen forms.During the rectification of the Vuldranalithe traveler took the form of a big Torg! Then in the third reconsilation of the last supplicants of the Meketrex they chosen another form for him, that of a giant Sloar! Many Shoks and Zuuls discovered what it was to be roasted in the depth of the Sloar that day, I can assure you!"

GOZER: Are you a god?

GOZER:�Eres t� un dios?

Gozer : Are you a god?


WINSTON: Hey Ray, Do you remember something in The Bible says about the last days when the dead would rise from the grave?
RAY: I remeber Revelations 7:12 "And I looed as he open the sixth seal and behold, ther was a great earthquake;and the sun became as black as sackcloth and the moon became as blood
WINSTON: "and the seas boiled and the skies fell"
RAY: Judjement Day..."
WINSTON: ..Judjement Day..."
RAY: Every ancient religion has its own myth about the end of the world..".
WINSTON: Myth? Ray,has it ever occured to you that maybe the reason we've been so busy lately is because the daed have been rising from the grave?"

WINSTON: Eh, Ray. ¿Recuerdas lo que dice La Biblia sobre los últimos días en que los muertos se levantarán de sus sepulturas?
RAY: Me acuerdo de Apocalipsis 6:12. "Cuando abrí el sexto sello oí y hubo un gran terremoto. El Sol se volvió negro como pelo de cabra. Y la Luna se convirtió en sangre..."
WINSTON: "... los mares hirvieron, y las estrellas cayeron..."
RAY: El juicio final...
WINSTON: ...el juicio final...
RAY: Todas las religiones tienen su mitología sobre el fin del mundo.
WINSTON: ¿Mitología?, ¡eh!, Ray, ¿se te ha ocurrido pensar que quizá hemos tenido tanto trabajo últimamente porque los muertos se han estado levantando de sus sepulturas?

WINSTON: Hey Ray, Do you remember what The Bible says about the last days when the dead will riaise from their tombs?
RAY: I remeber the Apocalypse 6:12 "When he openedthe sixth seal he felt and heard a great earthquake.The sun became black like the hair of a and the moon tansformed in blood
WINSTON: "..the seas opened and the starts fall.."
RAY: Judjement Day..."
WINSTON: ..Judjement Day..."
RAY: Every religion has its mythology on the end of the world..".
WINSTON: Mythology? Hey Ray,did yiu ever think that if be got so much work recently is because the daed have reisen from their tombs?"


PETER: We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!
HOTEL MANAGER: Did you see it? What is it?
RAY: We got it!
HOTEL MANAGER:What is it?Will there be more of them?
RAY: Sir,, what you had there is what we refer to as a focused non-terminal repeating phantasm or a Class 5 full-roaming vapor Really nasty one too!

PETER: And now let's talk seriosly.Now, for the entrapment we're gonna have to ask you 4 big ones , 4K dollars butwe are having a special this week on proton charging and storage of the beast and that's only gonna coming to 1K$,fortunatly
HOTEL MANAGER: 5000 $ ?I had no idea it'd be so much. I won't pay it
PETER: Ok,that's all right,t, we can just put it right back in there Thanks Raymond.
RAY: We certainly can , Doctor Venkman...
HOTEL MANAGER: No, no, no... no... Allright , anything
PETER: Thanks so much
RAY: Thank you, hope we can help you again Coming through one Class 5 free-roaming vapor!

PETER: Vinimos, vimos, ¡y le dimos una patada en el culo!
HOTEL MANAGER: ¿Lo han visto?, ¿qué es?
RAY: Lo tenemos preso.
HOTEL MANAGER: ¿Qué es?, ¿habrá más apariciones?
RAY: Señor lo que usted tenía aquí lo llamamos un fantasma enfocado, antiterminal y semirepetidor, es decir, un espectro omnivagante de la clase 5. Y tiene muy mala uva...
PETER: Y ahora... hablemos seriamente. Bien, por haberlo atrapado le tenemos que pedir cuatro de los grandes, cuatro mil dólares, pero como tenemos una oferta esta semana por cargas de protones y almacenamiento de la bestia... sólo le subirá unos mil dólares afortunadamente.
HOTEL MANAGER: ¿¡Cinco mil dólares!? No sabía que costara tanto... No pienso pagearles.
PETER: Bueno eso no tiene importancia, podemos dejarlo donde lo encontramos. Gracias Raymond.
RAY: Ya lo creo Doctor Venkman...
HOTEL MANAGER: No, no, no... no... De acuerdo, lo que sea.
PETER: Muy agradecidos.
RAY: Gracias, hasta otra ocasión. Dejen paso a un omnivagante de la clase 5.

PETER: We came, we saw, we gave him a kick in the ass!
HOTEL MANAGER: You saw it? What is it?
RAY: We got it!
HOTEL MANAGER:What is it? Are we going to have more apparitions?
RAY: Mister, what we have here is.what we call an enflamee , antiterminal and semirepeteant ghostaka a Class 5 omnivagant specter and a really bad one.
PETER: And now let's talk seriosly.Well, for trapping it we have to ask you 4 of the big ones , 4K dollars but since we have za special promotion this week on proton charging and keeping of the beast it will cost you only another 1000$ fortunately.
HOTEL MANAGER: 5000 $ ? I didn't know it would cost so much, I've no intention of paying it!
PETER: Ok, this is not important, we can kleave it where we found it..Thanks Raymond.
RAY: Sure, Doctor Venkman...
HOTEL MANAGER: No, no, no... no... Ok, whatever you want
PETER: Thanks a lot
RAY: Thanks, to next one! Free the passage for a omivagant Class 5 ghost!